The reason we as sinners are offended by the Word of God... is that it means we must obey His Word. That is when it stops being about us, and about fulfilling His purpose for our lives.
For Jesus himself said if we loved Him... we would obey his Fathers commandments. (
Believing is only half the battle. Walking in love meant I had to make real sacrifices, real WORK...
Obedience...that is the work. To die to ourselves, that is the work...
Well...I aint never been a fan of too much work.
So as the things I had worshiped my whole life, met my new walk, I was being asked by The Holy Spirit to release those weights...
but, I was being a hoarder, and reluctant to let you of what I still wanted.
So I kept some of them and thought I was going to keep on stepping in His grace.
Well ...that didn't work.
I tried to walk on ice that was thawing, holding dead rotting flesh....
the hole I fell through, nearly knocked me out the game.
I sank even farther than I knew I could...
And no one was there, none of my "no stones" buddies... could reach me in that cold dark hole I was drowning in.
I mean, to be fair, lets assume they were even praying for me?
The Word also said "He hears not a sinner..." so if the manner of life in which they lived didn't add up, they could not stop my sinking as they are standing on the same thin ice, carrying the same dead weight. If they reached in to save me.... would they not fall through as well?
Surely, I knew who could pull me up. But still, I didn't want Him..
Obstinate like a toddler, I refused to reach up for His hand again.
I didn't want to be one of those "hypocrites", using God as a little dingy of a life boat when I was drowning, when He had offered me a luxury yatch to begin with...and all that He had asked me to do was put down the filth I was holding, and come on aboard...and still, I had turned away.
The binding spirit of pride...wasn't going to allow me to go and admit to God that I was nothing without Him...or to the Body of Christ, that as I had foolishly ignored the correction and wisdom that would have kept me out of the water...that they were RIGHT and that I was dying for my corruption...
So I stayed there in my shame...and I stayed there...until it was a choice between dying there and just surrendering...
I came out of the water, but I had stayed in too long... some of my extremities were permanently damaged, frostbitten with gangrene. And I take that in Grace ...
for I know now.. that it is His Grace, that even allows me to walk at all...
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